Incentives Dashboard
Showing 50 Results

Promotes economic growth by supporting the arts and cultural center sector. Non-profits, businesses, and others apply twice a year for...
Jimmy Loyd, City of Saint Paul, MN Jimmy Loyd • City of Saint Paul, MN
Grants and Financing, Other

The Revolving Loan and Grant Program (RLGP) is aimed at improving the utility and appearance of Downtown or County Road...
Tracy Shimek, City of White Bear Lake Tracy Shimek • City of White Bear Lake
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Redevelopment

Falcon Heights will consider the ability to adjust the zoning and subdivision regulations through a planned unit development (PUD). Zoning...
Justin Markon, City of Falcon Heights, MN Justin Markon • City of Falcon Heights, MN
Grants and Financing, Other

The Falcon Heights Tax Abatement program can be used to help make projects viable. Property taxes are forgiven for a period...
Justin Markon, City of Falcon Heights, MN Justin Markon • City of Falcon Heights, MN
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Justin Markon, City of Falcon Heights, MN Justin Markon • City of Falcon Heights, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Chris Heineman, City of Little Canada Chris Heineman • City of Little Canada
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Jeff Thomson, City of Maplewood, MN Jeff Thomson • City of Maplewood, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Business improvement loans are available to Mounds View businesses. This loan is for existing businesses of at least two years...
Brian Beeman, City of Mounds View, MN Brian Beeman • City of Mounds View, MN
Small Business Resources, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This loan program is for new start-up businesses located in Mounds View who have been in existence for five years...
Brian Beeman, City of Mounds View, MN Brian Beeman • City of Mounds View, MN
Business, Entrepreneurship, Financial, Small Business Resources

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Brian Beeman, City of Mounds View, MN Brian Beeman • City of Mounds View, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Awards grants and loans for capital improvement projects. Any for-profit or non-profit entity can apply for funding through an annual...
Jimmy Loyd, City of Saint Paul, MN Jimmy Loyd • City of Saint Paul, MN
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Have zoning concerns? New Brighton can work with developers via the Planned Unit Development (PUD) process to find development solutions...

New Brighton has extensive experience in utilizing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to assist in the redevelopment of land throughout the...
Grants and Financing

North St. Paul is offering a simple, fast, and easy way to upgrade your business storefront. This ongoing program will...
Debra Gustafson, City of North St. Paul, MN Debra Gustafson • City of North St. Paul, MN
Small Business Resources, Business Expansion and Job Creation

North St. Paul will consider the ability to adjust the zoning and subdivision regulations through a planned unit development (PUD).
Debra Gustafson, City of North St. Paul Debra Gustafson • City of North St. Paul

North St. Paul will consider the judicious use of tax increment financing for projects which demonstrate a substantial and significant...
Debra Gustafson, City of North St. Paul Debra Gustafson • City of North St. Paul
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Jeanne Kelsey, City of Roseville, MN Jeanne Kelsey • City of Roseville, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Jimmy Loyd, City of Saint Paul, MN Jimmy Loyd • City of Saint Paul, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Loans meant to serve as gap financing and designed to leverage other financing programs and private financing provided by the...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Shoreview is willing to look at flexible zoning – including density, building height, setbacks and parking – if the project...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview

Shoreview is allowed to refund a portion of a company’s property taxes for a set period of time when a...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Shoreview is allowed to create Tax Increment Financing Districts for the purpose of redevelopment, economic development, and public infrastructure related...
Tom Simonson, City of Shoreview Tom Simonson • City of Shoreview
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Each year the City of Saint Paul sponsors applications for State and Met Council grants and passes the funding through...
Jimmy Loyd, City of Saint Paul, MN Jimmy Loyd • City of Saint Paul, MN
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Provides forgivable loans to help businesses relocating to Saint Paul. The loan amount awarded is determined by the number of...
Jimmy Loyd, City of Saint Paul, MN Jimmy Loyd • City of Saint Paul, MN
Grants and Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Will consider Tax Increment Financing for redevelopment that demonstrates public benefit.
Tracy Shimek, City of White Bear Lake Tracy Shimek • City of White Bear Lake
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Tax increment financing can be utilized to help finance development costs. This program uses the increase in property tax revenue to...
Tom Riedesel, White Bear Lake Township Tom Riedesel • White Bear Lake Township
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

The Open to Business program provides direct technical assistance and other forms of support to small business owners and entrepreneurs...
Luis Mendoza, Open to Business Luis Mendoza • Open to Business
Small Business Resources

BizRecycling is a program to help businesses in Ramsey County and Washington County start, expand, improve, and manage business recycling,...
BizRecycling, Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy BizRecycling • Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy
Green and Energy Efficient

CEO Next Business Institue is about cultivating home-grown businesses in Ramsey County by providing a suite of high-end, high-speed business growth...
Fabio Tenorio, Ramsey County Fabio Tenorio • Ramsey County
Small Business Resources, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Ramsey County in partnership with Think Small Institute launches a new Early Childhood Academy, which will provide services to attract and retain child care programs...
Business, Entrepreneurship, Small Business Resources

Ramsey County recognizes the need to transform contaminated property into viable use. Re-use of existing sites can increase development costs...
Rick Howden, Ramsey County Rick Howden • Ramsey County
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Ramsey County is offering a variety of new programs for young adults to learn through education and training while earning...
Small Business Resources, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is an innovative finance solution for building owners interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy...
Pete Klein, Saint Paul Port Authority Pete Klein • Saint Paul Port Authority
Grants and Financing, Green and Energy Efficient

This program helps communities pay for assessing and cleaning up contaminated sites for redevelopment. The program assists development authorities...
DEED Community Financing, Redevelopment

This program provides sales tax exemptions that build or refurbish data centers. The 20-year sales tax exemption applies to the...
DEED Tax Credits and Benefits, Business Expansion and Job Creation

The Angel Loan Fund (ALF) Program provides an additional funding option for businesses that are certified to participate in Minnesota’s...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Entrepreneurship

The program supports the growth of businesses owned and operated by minorities, low-income persons, women, veterans and/or persons with disabilities. ...
DEED Business Financing, Entrepreneurship

This program focuses on job creation and retention through the growth of new innovative businesses and organizations. The program...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This program provides up to $1 million in financing to help add new workers and retain high-quality jobs. The program...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This program provides financial incentives to new and expanding businesses that meet certain job creation and capital investment targets. ...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This program provides loans to companies that are affected when certain employees are called to active military duty. It also...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This program supports the development of Native American- owned and operated businesses and promotes economic opportunities for Native American people...
DEED Business Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

This program helps communities with the costs of redeveloping blighted industrial, residential or commercial sites and putting land back into...
DEED Community Financing, Redevelopment

This program certifies that sites have already completed the most time-consuming technical and regulatory aspects of development including: planning, zoning,...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation, Redevelopment

The MPCA provides loans at zero-percent interest to small businesses for capital equipment purchases that help the company meet or...
DEED Community Financing, DEED Business Financing

TEDI is a competitive grant program available to communities for public infrastructure and road projects that create jobs, support economic...
DEED Community Financing, Business Expansion and Job Creation

Energy is increasingly a major operating expense at all types and sizes of businesses. Energy Smart helps you grow your...
Green Industry

The Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) funds innovative (re)development projects that efficiently link housing, jobs, services and transit in an effort to...
Hannah Gary, Metropolitan Council Hannah Gary • Metropolitan Council
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment

Lender Match is a free online referral tool that connects small businesses with participating SBA-approved lenders.
Grants and Financing, Small Business Resources

TBRA provides $5 million annually to investigate and clean up brownfields (contaminated land, ground water, or buildings) for redevelopment. TBRA provides...
Marcus Martin, Metropolitan Council Marcus Martin • Metropolitan Council
Grants and Financing, Redevelopment